martes, 15 de febrero de 2011


MIDDLE EAST: Iran Calls for Execution of Protest Leaders

Members of Iran's parliament condemned Monday's mass demonstration in Tehran (Haaretz)and called for the execution of prominent opposition leaders Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi. Iranian leaders issued support for the revolution in Egypt, but cracked down when activists in Iran marched against their government.

Continued unrest in Egypt is stirring tensions between Iran's hardliners and opposition movement and stoking concerns that an Iran-friendly Egyptian regime could upset the regional balance of power.

Bahrain: Violence between Bahraini security forces and the youth-led opposition movement claimed the life of a second protestor in the capital of Manama (WSJ). The country's main Shiite opposition bloc suspended their participation in parliament in a show of unity with protesters.

Large numbers of unemployed youth have been behind the protests for change in the Middle East. Demographics expert Ragui Assaad says the region must move toward democracy and open economic systems to turn the youth bulge into an opportunity.

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