miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011


Top of the Agenda: Mubarak Detained Ahead of Investigation

Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak (BBC) and his sons have been detained for fifteen days by public prosecutors as inquiries begin into abuse of power allegations. Mubarak was hospitalized in the beach resort of Sharm el-Sheik after falling ill during initial questioning. The charges range from financial corruption to the use of violence against protesters (NYT)during the eighteen-day uprising that unseated Mubarak on February 11. Over eight hundred people were killed during the unrest according to Egypt's Health Ministry. The decision to investigate the ousted presidential family comes amid renewed mass protests in Cairo and rising pressure from youth-led activists seeking justice. Analysts suggest Mubarak's prosecution will help mollify public frustration at the military (al-Jazeera), which is being viewed with increasing suspicion and accused of stalling progress on democratic reforms (WashPost).


Tunisia's abolition of the secret police and ruling party--and its ending of censorship--make it the model for change in a turbulent region where the White House has been too timid insupporting protest movements, says Middle East expert Juan Cole.

In this op-ed for the New York Times, Thomas Freidman writes on the expected political fallout of the Arab Spring unrest and the potential for chaotic civil strife.

Uncertainty pervades Cairo as the country weighs its post-Mubarak democratic options. Washington should stand ready to assist an Egyptian-led transformation, writes CFR's Robert Danin.

This special report from Reuters examines the history of the civil disobedience and social media movements in Egypt before the revolution.


The anti-government protests in Egypt will likely mean a greater political role for the Muslim Brotherhood, analysts say. But this Backgrounder notes the divide in views over whether the Islamist group will choose a path of moderation or extremism.


This interactive from the New York Times presents a timeline of the Mubarak presidency.

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