martes, 23 de agosto de 2011


August 23, 2011

Top of the Agenda: Fighting Rages in Tripoli

Libyan rebels clashed with government troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi in Tripoli during a second day of fighting. Qaddafi loyalists fired heavy mortar (al-Jazeera) and shells into the city center, calling into question rebel claims that most of Tripoli had fallen.

Qaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound and the surrounding military barracks emerged as a stronghold (WSJ) for government loyalists, despite having been damaged by NATO airstrikes.

Qaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam, appeared at a Tripoli hotel Tuesday morning, rebuffing reports that he had been captured by opposition forces; his appearance raised questions about the credibility of rebel reports. He said loyalist troops had "broken the backbone" (BBC) of the rebels.

Despite the uncertainty in Tripoli, Oman and Bahrain joined Egypt in recognizing the rebel National Transitional Council (NYT) as the official governing authority of Libya. Qaddafi, though, remains at large.


UN Orders Syria Human Rights Inquiry

The UN Human Rights Council launched a new commission of inquiry into Syrian President Bashar al-Assad'sviolent crackdown (BBC) against anti-government protesters, which has left more than two thousand Syrians dead.

Calls by the international community for Assad to step down can only be realized if combined with stronger measures to forge a diplomatic coalition and drive a wedge between Assad and his supporters, says CFR's Robert Danin.

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