miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011


 Syrian Security Forces in Deadly Crackdown
Around two hundred people died (BBC) in clashes between Syrian security forces and army defectors across the country over the past two days, with the majority of deaths in the northwest Idlib province, activists said. The violence came a day before Arab League monitors are set to arrive in Syria to oversee the implementation of a recently negotiated peace plan.
The opposition Syrian National Council called on the Arab League and the United Nations Security Council to condemn the "horrific massacres" (al-Jazeera) committed by Syrian forces in Idlib. The province has become a stronghold for a growing number of army defectors.
The SNC said the UN should declare the Syrian cities and towns being attacked by President Bashar al-Assad's regime as "safe zones" (CNN), which would fall under international protection. The group also called for greater humanitarian assistance from the international community. The UN estimates that around five-thousand people have been killed since anti-government protests erupted nine months ago.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad isn't crazy, he's just doing whatever it takes to survive, write Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith on ForeignPolicy.com.
Throughout the year, Assad relied on Iran and Russia to block international intervention, hoping to buy time to quash the protests without interference. It's not working -- but he has no other options, writes Tony Badran in Foreign Affairs.
The UN Human Rights Council issued this report on Syria on November 23, 2011. It states that "gross violations of human rights have been committed by Syrian military and security forces since the beginning of the protests in March 2011."
This CFR Issue Guide provides expert analysis and essential background on some of the central issues facing Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Yemen, as the Arab Spring enters a critical new phase.

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