domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011


Strauss-Kahn says sex with maid was 'stupid', book says

Former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn believes his sexual encounter with a New York hotel maid was "consensual but stupid", according to a new book.
The book, by Mr Strauss-Kahn's biographer, says it gives his account of what happened in May, after which the maid accused him of attempted rape.
The book says Nafissatou Diallo gave Mr Strauss-Kahn a "suggestive look" as he emerged naked from the shower, and he took it as "an invitation".
The maid's lawyers rejected the claim.
The criminal case against Mr Strauss-Kahn was later dropped by prosecutors who said Ms Diallo, 32, had lied about details in the allegations. However, she has continued to pursue a civil case.
'Complete fantasy'
The new book "Affaires DSK: The Second Inquiry" by French journalist Michel Taubmann went on sale on Thursday.
The book is believed to be the first detailed public account by the former boss of the International Monetary Fund about what happened in the Sofitel Hotel on 14 May.
According to the book, Ms Diallo entered Mr Strauss-Kahn's hotel room as he was leaving his bathroom naked. The maid looked at him suggestively, and he took it as an invitation.
Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62, later described the six-minute sexual encounter as "consensual but stupid", because the scandal led not only to his resignation from the IMF but also to the end of his hopes of running for the French presidency next year.
Mr Strauss-Kahn, the book alleges, also believes the maid was part of a conspiracy to smear him ahead of the elections and he insinuates that she may have stolen his IMF-issued Blackberry phone as she left the room.
Mr Taubmann says his book is based on six interviews with Mr Strauss-Kahn and also investigations.
Mr Strauss-Kahn has so far not publicly commented on the book.
'Swingers' nights'
However, Ms Diallo's lawyers immediately hit back at Mr Taubmann, describing his claims as "absurd" and "complete fantasy".
"We look forward to questioning him (Mr Strauss-Kahn) at trial about the sick and deranged acts he committed against Ms Diallo," the lawyers said in a statement, referring to the civil case.
In recent months, there has been plenty written about Mr Strauss-Kahn's connections to a prostitution ring in France, the BBC's Christian Fraser in Paris reports.
He denies any knowledge that the women he met were paid, our correspondent says.
However, he admitted that he had participated in swingers' nights.
The book will undoubtedly attract attention in France and might also fuel allegations of conspiracy, but it will not resurrect Mr Strauss-Kahn's political career, our correspondent says.

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