lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

Islamists Win Big in Egypt Elections
Official results showed that Islamist parties won more than 60 percent (LAT) of the vote in Egypt's first round of parliamentary elections, with the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party taking the lead. Pero ¿se entienden entre sí los dos partidos y si no se entienden, hasta dónde puede llegar el conflicto y qué repercusión tendría en el país?
SYRIA: The foreign ministry said it "responded positively" to an Arab League proposal to allow observers into the country to monitor the Syrian regime's compliance with ceasing fire on anti-government protesters (al-Jazeera).  Un avance importante. ¿Hasta dónde llegará?
U.S. Calls on South Korea to Cut Iran Trade Ties
A senior U.S. diplomat asked South Korea to help pressure Iran to end its nuclear program by suspending imports of Iranian petrochemicals (WSJ) and reducing imports of crude oil.
This CFR Crisis Guide traces Iran's history, its evolution as an Islamic republic, and its controversial nuclear program.

ast week's NATO attacks that killed twenty-four Pakistani soldiers along the Afghan border, but he stopped short of issuing a formal apology.

Peru Declares State of Emergency
Peruvian President Ollanta Humala implemented emergency rule in a northern region of Peru following large protests against a U.S. gold mine project (Guardian). The emergency measures restrict the right to assembly and allow for arrests without warrants.
BRAZIL: Labor and Employment Minister Carlos Lupi became the sixth member of President Dilma Rousseff's cabinet to resign over corruption allegations (MercoPress).  ¿Cómo puede defenderse Dilma ante esta larga serie de desastres?

Putin's Party Suffers Heavy Losses
Exit polls showed Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's party garnering fewer than 50 percent of the vote (DeutscheWelle) in parliamentary elections, which is a significant blow to United Russia's governing majority. Sí, pero también es una prueba de que la democracia de partidos avanza en Rusia. ¿Cómo funcionará en la presidencial programada para el retorno de Putin al máximo cargo?

Bipartisan Support for Immigration Reform
By a vote of 389 to 15, the House amended (TNR) the Immigration and Nationality Act to remove country limits 

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