miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011


Top of the Agenda: White House Debates Arming Rebels

Members of the Obama administration are debating whether to supply arms to rebels (NYT) battling Muammar al-Qaddafi's regime in Libya, with some fearful that such action will drag the United States further into the conflict. There is also uncertainty as to whether some of the rebel groups may have links to al-Qaeda. In prior statements, President Barack Obama said he has not ruled out the possibility of providing weapons to rebel forces (BBC). Meeting in London, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UK Foreign Secretary William Hague both suggested the UN resolution on intervention in Libya could permit the supply of weapons. However, experts on international law claim the UN's current arms embargo (Guardian) on Libya includes all combatants in the conflict, and that the arms provision would require a change in terms.

Experts claim the rebel's recent retreat from Bin Jawad and Ras Lanuf underscores their difficulty in overcoming Qaddafi's heavily armed forces (WSJ), and the question of whether the coalition will need to equip the rebellion for it to succeed. NO SÓLO ARMARLA: ENSEÑARLE A USAR LAS ARMAS Y HACER POLÍTICA. The rebels are expected to encounter increased resistance the farther west they move toward Sirte, possibly facing pro-Qaddafi civilians (FT) who have joined the fight on his behalf. Such a development could also thwart the allied air strikes integral to the rebel advance.


Obama has staked a proper middle course on military intervention in Libya, boosted enormously by burden sharing with coalition allies, says CFR's Stewart Patrick.

In this op-ed for the International Herald Tribune, CFR's Ray Takeyh says that, despite the headlines on Libya, the most important event in the Middle East last week was the plebiscite in Egypt establishing the basis for genuine democratic order.

Though Obama is on solid legal ground in the Libya intervention, congressional support for it could erode if operations continue for months, says CFR's Matthew Waxman.


Read a "Vision of a Democratic Libya" (PDF) NO EXISTE put forth by Libyan opposition group the Interim National Council.

Read President Obama's speech on Libya on March 28, 2011.

The UN Security Council resolution regarding Libya was passed on March 17, 2011.

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