miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


Top of the Agenda: Allies Struggle to Unify over Libya

As the international military campaign against Muammar al-Qaddafi's regime entered its fifth day, U.S. President Barack Obama and leaders from Britain and France worked toward an agreement that would clarify command over joint military operations (NYT). TRIUNVIRATO NO ELEGIDO POR EL CONJUNTO DE LOS INTERVENCIONISTAS Obama reiterated the U.S. desire to relinquish ANTE QUIÉNES? its leading role "within days." Analysts suggest NATO is likely to take over "command and control" responsabilities, but in a subsidiary role under separate leadership. Speaking in Tripoli in his first outing since air strikes began, Qaddafi (Guardian) remained defiant and vowed not to surrender. In the past twenty-four hours, Qaddafi forces continued their daily assaults on the towns of Misurata, Ajdabiya, and Zintan despite the no-fly zone. Coalition strikes and anti-aircraft fire were heard around Tripoli (al-Jazeera) for a fourth straight night.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (ABC) suggested people close to the Qaddafi regime are "exploring" exit options, and said one of Qaddafi's sons has been killed. ¿CUÁL DE ELLOS? ¿EL FORMADO EN LA LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS? Analysts suggest allies have yet to address the potential scenario of a long military standoff, where Libyan civilians are protected, ¿DESDE LOS AVIONES INTERVENTORES? but Qaddafi remains in power (WSJ).


In this op-ed for Politico, CFR President Richard N. Haass writes that the United States has now embarked on its third war of choice in less than a decade. And like the 2003 Iraq war and the Afghan war after 2009, this war is ill-advised.

This blog from the Economist examines what "success" might look like in Libya. NUNCA PODRÍA DARSE MIENTRAS GADAFI SIGA EN EL PODER

In the New York Times, CFR's Max Boot discusses the problems in a post-Qaddafi Libya.


The UN Security Council resolution regarding Libya was passed on March 17, 2011.


In this series of video interviews from the New York Times, more than two dozen people under thirty, from Libya to the West Bank, talk about their generation's moment in history and prospects for the future.

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