martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


Top of the Agenda: U.S.-Led Libya Campaign Nears Initial Objectives

Following a third straight night of airstrikes, the U.S.-led military coalition is closing in on its initial objectives (NYT) of eliminating Libyan air defenses and establishing a no-fly zone. Officials say the United States is moving rapidly to hand over command to European allies. During the previous night's fighting, a U.S. F-15 Eagle fighter jet crash-landed (BBC) near Benghazi due to mechanical failure, according to officials. Both crew members ejected and are expected to recover safely. The warplane is the first to crash since the start of military operations. ¿Y CUANDO VENDRÁN LAS INEVITABLES NOTICIAS SOBRE LOS CIVILES LIBIOS MUERTOS POR EL "FUEGO AMIGO", POR LOS "EFECTOS COLATERALES" DE ESTAS OPERACIONES? The allied air shield (WSJ) will soon stretch across the entire northern segment of Libya, from Benghazi in the east to Tripoli in the west. It remains unclear who will take command of the ongoing international operation. Coalition members are divided over whether NATO (FT) should assume leadership, with France and Turkey expressing opposition ¿POR QUÉ? ¿COINCIDEN O NO LOS ARGUMENTOS DE FRANCIA Y DE TURQUÍA?. IMPORTANTE DESACUERDO, EN EL CASO Y MÁS ALLÁ DE ÉL.

Forces loyal to Muammar al-Qaddafi pressed on with their attacks on the western city of Misurata, as well as further east in Ajdabiya. Qaddafi's troops (al-Jazeera) retreated from the rebel stronghold of Benghazi following strikes by coalition aircraft.


In this op-ed for Politico, CFR President Richard N. Haass writes that the United States has now embarked on its third war of choice in less than a decade. And like the 2003 Iraq war and the Afghan war after 2009, this war is ill-advised. IMPORTANTE. PERO ¿QUIÉNES SON LOS MALOS CONSEJEROS? Y SOBRE TODO ¿QUÉ CONFLICTOS INTERNOS ESTÁ GENERANDO ESTE CASO EN EL PROPIO GOBIERNO NORTEAMERICANO?

In the New York Times, Marwan Muasher of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace says that the Arab League's unanimous call for the implementation of a no-fly zone in Libya is what gave the West political cover to take action. SÍ, PERO ¿CUÁLES FUERON DESPUÉS LAS DISCREPANCIAS DENTRO DE LA LIGA Y ENTRE LA LIGA Y LOS GOBIENOS OCCIDENTALES?


The UN Security Council resolution regarding Libya was passed on March 17, 2011.


This interactive map from the Guardian looks at Libyan military assets and some of the main targets on the ground.

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