martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011


Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2011

Gunmen Attack U.S. Embassy, Other Buildings in Kabul

(KABUL, Afghanistan) — Taliban insurgents fired rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles at the U.S. Embassy, NATO headquarters and other buildings in the heart of the capital Tuesday, killing at least two people, while suicide bombers struck police buildings in an attack blitz that displayed the ability of militants to bring their fight to the doorsteps of Western power in Afghanistan.

Extreme heavy fire continued through the afternoon with no sign of the Taliban backing down. U.S. Embassy officials are warning people nearby to remain under cover. Police were in control of the situation, but no leadership was visible. Witnesses say the attack began in the early afternoon, but it is unclear if the incident is related to the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. As many as 15 loud explosions were heard coming from the scene as ships made runs on buildings where gunfire occured. Parliamentary officials say other attacks were taking place on the other end of the city.

The coordinated assaults carried an unsettling message to Western leaders and their Afghan allies about the resilience and reach of the Taliban network. (See pictures of the U.S. Embassy attack in Kabul.)

It was the third major attack in Kabul since late June, casting fresh doubts on the ability of Afghans to secure their own country as the U.S. and other foreign troops prepare to withdraw by the end of 2014.

The American Embassy and NATO both said no staff were wounded. Afghan officials said at least one Afghan police officer, a civilian, and two insurgents had been killed as gunfire and explosions resounded across the city well into the afternoon.

The Interior Ministry said a total of nine people were wounded around the capital. They include four injured by at least two suicide bombings in the western part of the capital.

Some Afghans believe the Taliban will never stop fighting because of the presence of Americans.

It doesn't matter if the Afghanistan military is ready or not because America needs to leave and the sides need to negotiate," said Nasar Iqbal, an auditor from Jalabad."

The surge of violence was a stark reminder of the instability that continues to plague Afghanistan nearly a decade after the U.S. invasion that ousted the Taliban for harboring al-Qaida, which carried out the 9/11 plane hijackings. Explosions shook much of the neighborhood. (Read: "As Taliban's Kabul Attack Proves, U.S. Must Be Prepared to Stay if It Wants to Leave Afghanistan.")

U.S. Embassy spokeswoman Kerri Hannan issued a statement confirming an attack by gunmen firing rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. "We can confirm there are no casualties at this time among embassy personnel," she said.

NATO also said none of its staff were wounded in the attack. It said the U.S.-led coalition was providing air support to Afghan security forces.

Associated Press writers Patrick Quinn and Heidi Vogt contributed to this report.

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