viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011


Top of the Agenda: Leaders Pledge Support to Libyan Rebels

World leaders have made available to the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) nearly $15 billion (Reuters) of the country's frozen assets. ARGUMENTO DECISIVO

But even as representatives of the sixty-three nations at the “Friends of Libya” (WSJ) SESENTA Y SEIS AMIGOS! conference in Paris on Thursday promised support to the Libyan rebels, a rift emerged over which countries would take the lead in post-war reconstruction efforts—and have access to Libya's lucrative oil and gas reserves.

LOS DOS AMIGOS PREFERIDOS France and the United Kingdom--both of which led the NATO operation to aid the rebels in their battle against Muammar al-Qaddafi--began to vie for preferential access (Guardian) to Libyan oil contracts.

Meanwhile, Qaddafi issued an audio message (al-Jazeera) from hiding accusing the international community of occupying Libya for its oil, while vowing to continue the fight against rebel forces. The NTC has extended a deadline for Qaddafi loyalists to surrender until September 10. HABRÁ QUE VER SI ESTA VEZ CALCULAN BIEN EL PLAZO Y LA CAPTURA DEL MUY ELUSIVO DÉSPOTA


As the first flush of liberation begins to fade, differences among Libya's new rulers may soon begin to widen, says the Economist. OBVIAMENTE. YA SON DIFERENCIAS GRANDES. ENTRE GUERREROS Y GOBERNANTES Y ENTRE CADA UNO DE ESTOS DOS COLECTIVOS

Does success in Libya prove that the "responsibility to protect" works, or has it opened a Pandora's Box of shaky precedent, asks David Bosco in Foreign Policy. MUY OPORTUNA PREGUNTA

Allow the International Criminal Court to try Qaddafi, but do it in Libya, writes David Kaye in the New York Times.


EU Ministers to Discuss Syria Sanctions

European Union foreign ministers are set to meet in Poland today to discuss new economic sanctions (BBC) on Syria. URGEN! The meeting follows calls by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for international sanctions on Syria's oil and gas exports. DOS ARGUMENTOS FUERTES DE ASSAD

The Syrian regime's brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters didn't prompt the same alarms from the UN Security Council, but the international community is gradually losing patience with Assad, says Edward Luck, a special advisor to the UN secretary-general in this CFR Interview.


Japan’s Noda Chooses Cabinet

New Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda filled his cabinet with relatively younger ministers to try to shore up unity (JapanTimes) in his center-left Democratic Party of Japan. Noda's government faces a worsening economic outlook, and ongoing reconstruction efforts following March's tsunami and nuclear crisis.

Noda will need to stitch together a frayed party and a fractured public to lead Japan — and stay in power, writes CFR's Sheila Smith in Foreign Affairs.

TAIWAN: Presidential challenger Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the Democratic Progressive Party, called for Taiwan to move slowly in economic cooperation with China (WSJ), to ensure Taiwan's democratic sovereignty is respected.


Pakistan, Russia Call for Afghan Security Training

During a regional summit, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev QUE SE ESTÁ HACIENDO VER MUCHO A ESCALA INTERNACIONAL and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari called on the NATO-led coalition (RFE/RL) in Afghanistan to increase its training of Afghan security forces as it begins a planned drawdown.

The deadliest month for U.S. troops in Afghanistan comes to an end amid renewed debate about the U.S. endgame there and whether the nearly decade-long conflict has achieved its goals, says this CFR Analysis Brief.

PAKISTAN: Taliban militants kidnapped over thirty Pakistani boys (AFP) who crossed an unmarked border into Afghanistan during Eid celebrations on Thursday.


ANC to Proceed with Malema Hearing

The disciplinary committee of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) dismissed a motion by the party's Youth League leader, Julius Malema, to have charges against him dropped. Malema is accused of brining the ANC into disrepute (SAPA) and encouraging dissension.

If Malema is found guilty, he could be suspended for several years. If he is exonerated, he will pose a newly significant political threat to President Jacob Zuma, the party leader, writes CFR's John Campbell in Africa in Transition.

NIGERIA: A second day of fighting this week between Christians and Muslims in the central Nigerian city of Jos left twenty-two dead (Reuters).


U.S. Housing Agency to Sue Big Banks

The U.S. Federal housing Finance Agency is expected to file lawsuits against more than twelve commercial banks for allegedly misrepresenting the mortgage securities (NYT) they sold at the height of the housing bubble in 2007, just before the global financial crisis. SI SE HACE BIEN, SERÁ ARGUMENTO PARA REELEGIR A OBAMA

BRAZIL: The country's trade surplus rose (MercoPress) to $3.87 billion in August, as exports jumped to $26.16 billion, POTENCIA EN ASCENSO, "DESTINO MANIFIESTO" RECONOCIDO HACE DÉCADAS POR SUS EXPERTOS making the total surplus for the first eight months of this year nearly equivalent to that for all of 2010.

This CFR Independent Task Force finds that Brazil is a significant international actor whose influence on global issues is likely to increase and recommends that U.S. policymakers work with Brazil to develop complementary policies. NO SERÁN LOS ÚNICOS: BRASIL POTENCIA YA DIALOGA A FONDO CON OTROS GRANDES


Turkey Expels Israeli Ambassador

Turkey has expelled Israel's ambassador and suspended bilateral military agreements, citing Israel's refusal to apologize for last year's deadly raid (Today's Zaman) on a Gaza-bound flotilla. The move follows a UN report criticizing Israel for using excessive force in the raid.

ITALY: An Italian couple was arrested Thursday on suspicion of extorting $700,000 (FT) from Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in exchange for taking a plea bargain in a prostitution case.

NOTE: will not publish a Daily News Brief on Monday, September 5 due to the Labor Day holiday. The newsletter will resume on Tuesday, September 6.

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