martes, 11 de octubre de 2011



Notes on Washington and the world by the staff of The New Yorker.

OCTOBER 7, 2011





Why is James Gosling on the cover? he's not dead yet...

POSTED 10/11/2011, 6:22:33PM BY PCLARK1

"Hmm, nope, sorry, not in here. But hey, thanks for the iPad! Big fan."

POSTED 10/11/2011, 11:00:14AM BY BRANDONMURRAY

If the Creator needed an iPad; he wouldn't be much of a God.

POSTED 10/11/2011, 7:34:07AM BY BESTBOYTOO

The New Yorker cover insightefully strikes many chords of humor as illustrated by the spectrum of humor so clearly expressed in each response. It is not a joke on him. It is a characterization of his life as he lived it, his accomplishments, and completeness of his success in making the leading edge of his vision a reality for the world. . It's a great cover - one of your best. In retrospect, SJ would have chuckled and agreed it resonates with dry wit, good humor, and deeper meaning (if you let it.)

POSTED 10/11/2011, 3:15:48AM BY AUCHTOBEY

The question is not whether this cartoon is respectful to depict a non-christian going to heaven: it is clear that the author has good intentions, and it is as respectful as showing SJ goes to paradise as provided by certain Muslim beliefs. Rather, the problem is that New Yorker should have had a better cover than this run-of-the-mill shallow and sub-par cartoon if the magazine respects its readers' intelligence. New Yorker is known for its cartoons, but you don't have to use them on the cover if it doesn't fit the situation. SJ would have called this cover design "crap." It is mainly the fault of the editor. By the way, just because SJ is not a practicing Buddhist doesn't make him a Christian nor a Muslim. The fact that SJ had his wedding officiated by a Zen monk at least indicated that he did not belong to any Judeo-Christian tradition.

POSTED 10/10/2011, 6:45:55PM BY ORGANICCORN

In response to BuddhaGirl, although Steve Jobs's sense of aesthetics and style were shaped by Buddhist philosophy, several Buddhist leaders he met with have pointed out that Steve Jobs was actually not a practicing Buddhist

POSTED 10/10/2011, 5:01:10PM BY 101010

Socialclimber's comment is nothing if not totally and willfully uninformed. Of course Buddhism must provide "convenient moral justification for extremes of wealth and poverty." That's why anywhere between 1.8 billion and 1.9 billion people worldwide practice each of those two religions. And all 4 billion (more or less) must all be indifferent rich bastards, right?

POSTED 10/10/2011, 3:37:51PM BY BLUEHAWK a person practicing and enjoying all of life's celebrations, I must say this cover, so poignantly celebrating Steve's unique genius unfettered by time or space.

POSTED 10/10/2011, 3:29:49PM BY AUCHTOBEY

What is a 'two button' mouse? signed: St. Peter

POSTED 10/10/2011, 2:54:11PM BY MEGACEPHALUS

I can only think that nobody who has posted so far has a sense of humor. The joke is that even "God" has an iPad....and nothing, I assume, having to do with Christianity, or Buddhism. He could be my Jewish god, for all I know....but he does have the iPad...

POSTED 10/10/2011, 2:04:21PM BY TINAREITER

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